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Mesotherapy Lipolysis

Better known as "No Needle Lipo" this is a nonsurgical approach to reducing the fat beneath the skin.

This treatment is painless (needle free, feels like a small pinch). You will see results as quickly as one week. Treatments can be done every two weeks or someone who wants to be more aggressive can come once a week. The solution keeps melting away fat for six weeks after each treatment.

The treatment is done with an air pressurized device that when pressed is able to create a small pinch and push the product under the skin.

This treatment is great for someone who has 15 or less pounds to lose, or stubborn fat that just won't seem to go away!

The chin can be treated up to six times where the body can go up to ten treatments.

Amount of treatments depends on the clients needs. Once desired goal is achieved results can be long lasting from 1-2 years unless the client gains weight after treatments.

Small Area $172

Small area is good for the "Double Chin"

The chin area can only be treated up to 6 times.

Mesotherapy Lipolysis, also known as no needle lipo, has become increasingly popular over the years as a noninvasive treatment to melt away fat cells without the need for needles or surgery.


Medium Area $230

Medium area is good for "Bingo Wings/Bat Wings"(Arms), "Love Handles"(Hips), & Inner Thigh.

The body can only be treated up to 10 times.

Mesotherapy Lipolysis, also known as no needle lipo, has become increasingly popular over the years as a noninvasive treatment to melt away fat cells without the need for needles or surgery.


Large Area $345

Large area is good for Stomach or Back.

The body can only be treated up to 10 times.

Mesotherapy Lipolysis, also known as no needle lipo, has become increasingly popular over the years as a noninvasive treatment to melt away fat cells without the need for needles or surgery.

Tropical Leaves
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